Fundación Banco Santander has created the 'Collection of Ideas' discussion forum. This group of experts responds to a major objective: to discuss current issues in an environment that allows for in-depth knowledge, informed reflection and the exchange of ideas and proposals, in order to generate critical thinking and contribute to the progress of society.
Here you can find the documents that bring together the main ideas resulting from these debates.
Carlos Blanco, PhD in Philosophy and Theology and graduate in Chemistry, professor at Comillas Pontifical University and Visiting Fellow at Harvard University, reflected in La Colección de Ideas on the challenges of technological advances, approaching their impact from a humanistic and philosophical perspective.
Sara de la Rica, director of the ISEAK Foundation, analyzed in La Colección de Ideas the perception and reality of the migration phenomenon, highlighting the social and economic factors that define it and the importance of an evidence-based approach.
Jonás Fernández, MEP in the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, reflected on the challenges and opportunities Spain faces to increase its influence on decision-making in the European Union and strengthen its role in key areas such as competitiveness, ecological and digital transition, and strategic autonomy.
Antón Costas, president of Consejo Económico y Social de España (CES), put on the table of The Collection of Ideas the need to support a new democratic economic policy capable of responding to social unrest and reversing authoritarian impulses in a context of “radical uncertainty”.
José García Montalvo, professor of Applied Economics at the Pompeu Fabra University and research professor at the Barcelona GSE, introduced the session and the content that gave rise to the debate with the different experts who participated and contributed practical and academic perspectives, which managed to generate a debate enriching.
Renowned journalists involved in the editorial decisions of their respective media outlets delved into these and other issues during the discussion group meeting.
Alex Romero, CEO and Founder of Alto Intelligence, introduced the session and the content that gave rise to the debate with the different experts who participated and contributed practical and academic perspectives, which managed to generate an enriching debate.
Helena Viñes, Director of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and President of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, introduced the session and the content that led to the debate with the different experts who participated and provided practical and academic perspectives, which generated an enriching discussion.
Víctor Lapuente, PhD in political science from the University of Oxford and professor at the University of Gothenburg, summarizes the third meeting of the discussion panel.
Anna Terrón i Cusí, director of the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Public Policy "FIIAPP", answers the most relevant questions of the fifth session of the discussion group.
Javier Niño Pérez, Director General for the Americas at the European External Action Service, answers the most relevant questions from the fourth meeting of the discussion group.
Víctor Lapuente, PhD in political science from Oxford University and professor at the University of Gothenburg, summarises the third meeting of the discussion group.
Elisa de la Nuez, retired state lawyer and secretary general of the Hay Derecho Foundation, leads the second session of the discussion group.
First meeting of the discussion group with the participation of Nuria Oliver, Chief Data Scientist at Data Pop Alliance, and co-founder and vice-president of ELLIS.