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Mercè Rodoreda

Cuentos completos

Cuentos y relatos


Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2002
24 x 17 cm
398 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-36-3

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Mercè Rodoreda (Barcelona, 1908-Gerona, 1983) is considered one of the most influential Catalan-speaking writers of her time. Her production covers all literary genres; Rodoreda cultivated poetry, theatre and short stories, although she stands out especially in the novel with works such as La plaza del diamante, which brought her international fame.

This volume brings together the three books of short stories published during Mercè's lifetime: Veintidós cuentos (1958), Mi cristina y otros cuentos (1967) and Parecía de seda y otras narraciones (1978). The reader thus has the opportunity of realising that, in addition to being an important novelist, Mercè Rodoreda was also a storyteller of strong personality and originality.

The volume is completed with the text La Rodoreda que conocí (The Rodoreda I Knew), written by Joaquim Molas, an extensive prologue by Carmen Arnau entitled Los cuentos de Mercè Rodoreda: Espejos y espejismos, and a bibliography by Eulàlia Miret i Raspall.