Letter from the Chairman
Read the letter from the Chairman of Fundación Banco Santander, outlining the organisation's main concerns and initiatives to be addressed in 2023.
How does Fundación Banco Santander adapt and support culture, inclusion and care for the environment through its various initiatives? Discover the answer below.
In addition to our usual cultural programmes in the fields of art, music, literature and history, the Foundation was entrusted with the management of Banco Santander’s documentary archive and created a grant programme for research into the works that make up its art collection.
We have improved the scope and efficiency of our social outreach programmes, introducing Santander BEST Africa in Mozambique and giving Santander Ayuda the more specific goal of reducing poverty among children and adolescents.
In 2023, we joined the bank and several institutions of higher learning in their invaluable efforts to facilitate access to quality education and ensure that young university students have a bright future in the working world.
We stepped up our contributions to science with the sponsorship of new projects led by the Spanish National Research Council and the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research.
We tell you about some of the most representative institutions and organisations which we collaborate with.
The Spanish version of this Annual Report is certified by the Real Academia Española.