Enraíza Derechos is a non-governmental development organisation (NGDO) which works since 1985 to promote the respect, protection and guarantee of the human rights to food, health and water and sanitation in Mozambique, Senegal, Bolivia and Peru.
This mission of this organisation is to promote a healthy, sustainable and fair diet for all people, based on responsible models of production and consumption, focusing on human rights, gender and sustainability.
A private, civil, non-profit association founded in 2002, whose main purpose is to contribute towards the sustainable development of developing countries in extreme poverty. This general objective is based on four main areas of action: health, education, infrastructures and the conservation and recovery of culture.
Established by the Government of Gambia with funds from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the World Bank, the Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institute accommodates over 400 students each year to study the main specialities of the tourism and hospitality industry.
The Xaley Foundation, a Spanish Non-Governmental Development Organization (NGDO), aims to ensure the integral education of girls and thus end gender inequality. The Foundation wants girls to become agents of change in Senegalese society.
An NGO for international development cooperation with a mission based on the value and respect for the dignity of people; confidence in the ability to succeed in life through one's work, the engine of individual and family development; a source of freedom, creativity and independence.
Aethnic works for responsible tourism because it believes that a change of paradigm is needed in the traditional tourism model; to evolve towards a tourism that is more committed to the social reality, more economically equitable and more environmentally friendly. Aethnic aims to ensure that tourism makes a positive contribution to sustainable development in the destinations where it works.
A Spanish NGO that works in collaboration with 58 countries in Southern regions. Its mission is to fight against hunger, underdevelopment and lack of education. This NGO strives to eradicate the structural causes that underlie these situations: injustice, the unequal distribution of goods and opportunities among individuals and communities, ignorance, prejudice, lack of solidarity, indifference and the crisis of human and Christian values.
Movimiento por la Paz is a non-governmental, independent, secular and progressive organization, made up of a diverse and plural team united in their commitment to a common cause: to build a more just and egalitarian world. Movimiento por la Paz aspires to global peace, where human rights, democratic governance, equality and solidarity among people and peoples are ensured.
A Spanish NGO aimed at promoting the development of the poorest communities and collectives in Senegal, helping them in their initiatives and using local resources. Construye Mundo firmly believes in social change and the fight against poverty. The organisation defends the transformative capacity of the North and the capacity for development of the South to make the world a more just, equitable and peaceful place.
A Spanish NGO focused on the implementation of education and vocational training projects in Senegal as a means of tackling rural exodus and irregular or unwanted migration. Its work, aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aims to transform our world, reducing poverty and inequality and promoting human rights as a basic pillar of society.
Khanimambo Foundation was born in 2007 with the aim of improving the situation of 400 boys and girls and their families in Praia de Xai-Xai, Mozambique. The organization understands development cooperation as something close, dynamic and collaborative. To this end, it offers comprehensive assistance that includes projects in education, nutrition, health and the community, always from a perspective of working with the whole community that is supported. The mission is to help these children so that they have a dignified childhood that allows them to build a future. Khanimambo works from closeness, from detail, changing the small, without epics, with names and surnames. For this, the foundation relies on its founding values, transparency, direct contact with collaborators, respect, integration, effort and responsibility of all.
The Madre Coraje Association is a non-governmental organisation for development created in Jerez de la Frontera (Spain). The mission of "Madre Coraje" is to cooperate in the development of impoverished communities with humanitarian aid and sustainable development projects, through volunteers and partners committed to equality, the fight against injustice and respect for the environment, educating and raising awareness in our immediate environment. Its ideal is LOVE through its principles: Solidarity, Equality and Gratuity.
Mbolo Association is a non-profit organisation based in The Gambia since 2010. The association strongly advocates for alleviating poverty while protecting the environment and promoting gender equality.
Cooperation and volunteering NGO focused on education and human rights that operates mainly in The Gambia. ITT Foundation aims to work for social development in disadvantaged communities through access to free and universal education, in order to eradicate inequalities and promote equal opportunities for better social growth of the most vulnerable groups.
The Women for Africa Foundation (Mujeres por África) is a private non-profit organisation created in 2012 by María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, former vice-president of the Spanish government. The main objective of the foundation is to contribute to the development of the African continent by supporting and accompanying its women, who are the driving force behind its progress. Women for Africa is committed to and works for democracy, governance, peace, human rights, and sustainable economic and social development. And all of this in terms of equality, convinced that equality is the most powerful factor of social transformation.
International NGO that works to generate opportunities for growth and development with the people who need it most, putting them at the center of its work. In Ayuda en Acción we accompany people from childhood and youth, building ties, defining common goals, betting on their talents and abilities. Their access to education and the transition to employment and entrepreneurship are facilitated so that they are protagonists of their own path, generating sustainable and lasting development in their communities.